This is lesson 11 in our journey through the Gospels chronologically. This will likely take 3 years to complete, teaching weekly through the school year. The material is geared for elementary age kids. Each lesson will have a list of Scripture references, materials, introduction, object lessons, and hands on activities. Most lessons can be completed in 1- 1.5 hours. A few may need more than one class time. New lessons will be posted weekly. The posts will not have pictures because I will not be posting pictures of other people’s children. At the end of each school year, a printed version of the curriculum will be made available for purchase. This will include an appendix with printouts, game pieces, and other classroom helps.
Lesson 11: Who was John the Baptist?
Scripture references:
Matthew 3:1-12
Mark 1:1-18
Luke 3:1-20
John 1:6-34
Isaiah 40:1-5
White board and markers
Index cards and markers
Chairs or other obstacles
Honey (regular and date), crackers
1. Draw a body outline on the board. Review the account of John’s birth
Hands on Activity 1: Character Sketch
Purpose: to see the overall picture of John’s life
1. Pass out papers with the body outline for the kids to follow along with.
2. Make a box titled Early Life and write in information.
Miracle birth
Jesus’s relative (6 months older)
Recognized Jesus from the womb
Knew God’s will for his life from an early age
3. Read Matthew 3:1-3
Hands on Activity 2: Prepare the Way
Purpose: to help the kids understand John’s mission
1. Set up chairs and label with obstacles to someone repenting and accepting salvation. E.g. Pride, Fear, Temptation, Possessions, Relationships, Status.
2. Turn the lights out. Have one child play John.
3. Use a flashlight to guide the rest of the group through the obstacles. Discuss.
Hands on Activity 1 Continued: Character Sketch
4. Add a box entitled Mission and write information
Prepared the way for Jesus (announced His coming and purpose, showed others their need for Him so they would be ready to accept salvation, pointed the way etc.)
Came in the Spirit and Power of Elijah (was not actually Elijah but had the same purpose and Spirit working through him.)
Hands on Activity 1 Continued: Character Sketch
5. Add a box entitled Lifestyle and write information.
Lived in the wilderness
Wore clothes made of camel hair and a leather belt (draw on outline)
Ate locusts and wild honey
Object lesson 1: Locusts and Honey
1. Read Matthew 3:4.
2. Talk about the different kinds of honey at the time. John’s was wild honey, so from bees.
3. Taste Date honey and bee honey. See appendix for date honey recipe.
4. Watch a video about cooking/eating locusts. Here is an example.
*anytime I recommend a link, I am referring to the specific activity/information shown. I have not necessarily previewed or agree with all of the content from the source.
Hands on Activity 1 Continued: Character Sketch
6. Add a box entitled Job Description and write information.
Witness- told others with words
Baptized- showed others with actions (picture of heart change)
Hands on Activity 3: Tell others with Words
Purpose: to help the kids practice giving a testimony
1. Ask each of the kids to tell the class something that God has done in their life.
Hands on Activity 4: Show others with actions
Purpose: to help the kids understand that baptism is a picture of salvation
1. Play charades. See appendix for cards.
2. Discuss how baptism shows others what happens in a person’s heart.