This is lesson 15 in our journey through the Gospels chronologically. This will likely take 3 years to complete, teaching weekly through the school year. The material is geared for elementary age kids. Each lesson will have a list of Scripture references, materials, introduction, object lessons, and hands on activities. Most lessons can be completed in 1- 1.5 hours. A few may need more than one class time. New lessons will be posted weekly. The posts will not have pictures because I will not be posting pictures of other people’s children. At the end of each school year, a printed version of the curriculum will be made available for purchase. This will include an appendix with printouts, game pieces, and other classroom helps.

Lesson 15: The First Miracle


Scripture references:

John 2:1-11




White board and markers

Map of Israel

Tape measure

2 gallons of water

Pitcher and glass

Iodine clock solutions: water, iodine, vitamin c tablets, hydrogen peroxide, corn starch (or liquid starch)



1.     Read John 2:1-2

2.    Find Cana on the map

3.    Review 1st century Jewish wedding customs.

4.    Read vs 3-6 and discuss Jesus’s words to His mom. Culturally this was not a disrespectful response.



Object Lesson 1: Significance of Wine

Purpose- to see the importance of wine in Bible times

1.     Discuss the disinfectant properties of wine and how it was used to purify water. It was drank by all ages. For everyday use, the wine was very diluted. At weddings and other celebrations it was more potent.

2.    Watch a video showing how wine was made in Bible times.


Hands on Activity 1: Purification Jars

Purpose- to see the size and use of the water pots

1.     Measure out the size of the pots with a tape measure.

2.    Discuss how the water was used for washing. (foot washing when entering, hands before the meal, etc.)


Hands on Activity 2: Working Faith

Purpose- to feel how much work it was to fill the water pots.

1.     Discuss the fact that the water in the pots would have been used by the guests throughout the feast and would need to be refilled.

2.    Have the kids take turns carrying gallons of water across the room. Explain how they would have to carry water from the well 20-30 times per jar.


Object Lesson 2: Water into Wine

Purpose- To understand how it was a miracle

1.    Prepare the 2 solutions in the iodine clock experiment (see appendix)

2.   Review the story while mixing the solutions together.

3.   Explain that it is not really wine but a chemical reaction. Jesus is the only one who could make actual wine from just water. Note that the wine Jesus made was the best one. Wine gets better with age. Jesus was able to also make the wine taste like it was aged. Compare to Creation where everything was made full grown.


