A Homemade Family

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This is lesson 16 in our journey through the Gospels chronologically. This will likely take 3 years to complete, teaching weekly through the school year. The material is geared for elementary age kids. Each lesson will have a list of Scripture references, materials, introduction, object lessons, and hands on activities. Most lessons can be completed in 1- 1.5 hours. A few may need more than one class time. New lessons will be posted weekly. The posts will not have pictures because I will not be posting pictures of other people’s children. At the end of each school year, a printed version of the curriculum will be made available for purchase. This will include an appendix with printouts, game pieces, and other classroom helps.

Lesson 16: The First Cleansing of the Temple


Scripture references:

John 2:13-22




White board and markers

Bible costume and props

Pictures of the layout of the Temple



Review information about the Temple. Include the layout and purpose of each section.



Object Lesson 1: Storyteller

Purpose- to feel immersed in the story

1.      Set up a sales table and tell the story from the perspective of one of the merchants

2.     When finished discuss: why Jesus had a right to do this (God, creator, His temple etc), and Why He did it.


Hands on Activity 1: Discernment

Purpose- to help the kids think through what is right and wrong

1.      Ask the kids questions about whether certain actions are right or wrong.

2.     Write each example in the middle of the board.

3.     On either side have columns labeled yes and no.

4.    Have a variety of scenarios, some that are a definite no or yes, and some that depend on the circumstances

E.g. Running in church- generally no, but yes if you are playing a game in class and the teacher allows it. There are a lot of grey areas where it is important for kids to learn how to think through whether or not to do something.

5.     Discuss the fact that it was necessary to sell animals for sacrifice and to exchange the different currencies. The problems were where and how they were doing it.