This is lesson 18 in our journey through the Gospels chronologically. This will likely take 3 years to complete, teaching weekly through the school year. The material is geared for elementary age kids. Each lesson will have a list of Scripture references, materials, introduction, object lessons, and hands on activities. Most lessons can be completed in 1- 1.5 hours. A few may need more than one class time. New lessons will be posted weekly. The posts will not have pictures because I will not be posting pictures of other people’s children. At the end of each school year, a printed version of the curriculum will be made available for purchase. This will include an appendix with printouts, game pieces, and other classroom helps.
Lesson 18: Jesus in Samaria
Scripture references:
John 4:1-42
Index cards
Cardboard bricks or a box
Sand pail and rope
A lot of background is needed to fully understand this passage. The first activity will be a history lesson starting way back with Jacob and ending with Samaria at the time of Jesus.
Hands on Activity 1: HIStory
Purpose- To understand the history of the Samaritans
1. Label these areas in the room:
Jerusalem (south end of room)
Sea of Galilee (north end of room)
Samaria (Middle)
Assyria and Babylon (East)
2. Pick someone to be Jacob, Jesus, a disciple, and the Samaritan woman.
3. Divide the rest of the class into the northern and southern tribes by labeling them north or south.
4. Start by having Jacob build the well. Recount the history of the Jews from there, moving the kids around the room as you go. The north and south groups should move to their sides of the room at the division under Reheboam. Then they can be carried off into the Assyrian and Babylonian empires. Leave the Samaritan woman behind. Discuss how the Samaritans were part of the northern tribes but intermarried with the Assyrians. The Samaritans and Jews had conflict from then on. The Samaritans wouldn’t come to Jerusalem for worship, but set up their own place at Mt. Gerazim. When the Jews returned to the land they wanted nothing to do with the Samaritans and would avoid even traveling through their land.
Hands on Activity 2: Jesus loves Even the Samaritans
Purpose- to see how everyone is invited to believe in Jesus as the Messiah
1. Act out Jesus traveling through Samaria and talking to the woman at the well as you read the passage.
2. Discuss as you go. Note why it was shocking that Jesus was talking to a Samaritan and a woman. Also point out that the woman seems to have been ostracized by her own people since she is coming to the well alone later in the day.